
Hello, I'm Sara Saber

Technical Producer & Lead Game Engineer

From MVP and R&D to AAA scale projects, remote and on-site, and contributing with members around the world.

Worked in 4+ countries, 6+ companies, multiple projects and different disciplines.

Has been in the Games, XR, Blockchain and Gamification worlds for 9+ years.

Having a multidisciplinary, multicultural and diverse previous positions from Game & Software Engineering to Technical Direction and Technical Production, and wearing multiple hats, or specializing in one role.

Ex- Minecraft & STEM Educator and participant of multiple education, awarnes projects using new technologies and gamification…

This is a summary, let’s chat maybe we can still work on something together!

Hello, I'm Sara Saber

Technical Producer & Lead Game Engineer

From MVP and R&D to AAA scale projects, remote and on-site, and contributing with members around the world.

Worked in 4+ countries, 6+ companies, multiple projects and different disciplines.

Has been in the Games, XR, Blockchain and Gamification worlds for 9+ years.

Having a multidisciplinary, multicultural and diverse previous positions from Game & Software Engineering to Technical Direction and Technical Production, and wearing multiple hats, or specializing in one role.

Ex- Minecraft & STEM Educator and participant of multiple education, awarnes projects using new technologies and gamification…

This is a summary, let’s chat maybe we can still work on something together.

Let's have a call?

+44 7798 863749

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Using Unreal Engine, Unity, proprietary C++ engines, developing or contributing mainly in mobile and PC plateforms, been part in many games products for both small indie studios or for bigger projects.

Please check here the latest public project related to Gamification and Education.

Latest project

Seedworld – By Seedify

Seedworld is an upcoming, Web2 and Web3 free-to-play fantasy gaming platform powered by User-Generated Content.
Shape magnificent landscapes, build without limits, and embark on epic adventures. Each horizon of our unique and fantastical realms invites you to explore a world of endless possibilities.

  • Plateform: PC
  • From: 2022 – Present
  • Tech: UE5
  • Role: Contributed from the start of the project as a UE Lead Engineer, took over the ownership of the tech stack as a Technical Director and Technical Producer, successfully accompanied the team and the project growth from the first code lines to the MVP phase and arriving to the Production phase part [Closed Pre-alpha].
  • Tags: AAA, Game, Web3, UE5, UGC, Shooter, Builder, Multiplayer, Crypto, Engineering, Tech Production & Direction

(See more games projects in the showreal section)

I have been a Minecraft & STEAM Educator, also developed many solutions for both Education and delivered experiences for both entertainment and serious games sectors.

Please check here few selected projects related to Gamification and Education.

Educational Games - W5GO & CDYT [Ecocarrier Inc.]

W5Go is a plateform that creates AR-powered educational apps and games for young children, using fun, interactive lessons to teach simple topics like colors, food, and the senses.

CDYT is a sub organization for environmental awarness based in Turkey, part of the European Economic Scenate in Turkey, they released many initiative projects in real life but also using tools and gamfication. “Scout Games” to educate kids and reward them in all relative matters related to the environement and wastes 

  • Plateform: Mobile, AR Handheld devives
  • From: 2019 – 2022
  • Tech: Unity, C#
  • Roles:
    • Unity Game Engineer who contrinuted in many of the products of W5GO for mobile and AR, Redesigned the AR doll house fully and implemented the MVP design from start to finish [See video], the development included created tools for automatic furniture integration ands many more.
    • Developed

Carrefour AR – Wonder Partners

Wonder Partner has launched and specialized in AR products for big and growing brands, they have created apps and interactive apps and grown to other countries.

  • Plateform: Mobile, Oculus, PC
  • From: 2019- 2021
  • Tech: Unity, C#
  • Role: as a Unity Engineer, the biggest project contribution was in the Carrefour AR: In Christmas 2019 considered the biggest toys Catalogue in the world at the moment with 50pages all in AR, 600+ 3d models, 18 mini games,. I contributed in the AR development of this catalogue and mainly created most of the total 18 mini games for the Santa quest. It was one of the biggest projects in AR that i have been honored to participate in.

Minecraft & STEAM Educator- London Academy

London Academy is an international School, completely focusing on beign digital, and intergating new technokogy and gaming in education from 3-18 years old.

The pictures bellow shows our team robots in the FLL 2018 Rabat and getting a first prize of Innovation in 20+ schools.

  • Plateform: Mobile, Oculus, PC
  • From: 2022 – Present
  • Tech: Unity, C#
  • Role: I engineered and designed apps for its students in AR/VR, mini games, in the meantime that I was the Minecraft and Lego Robotics Educator.

Quick Showreel

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